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Pembroke School has a long and emerging tradition of encouraging exchanges with overseas partner schools.

The exchange program offers students an immersive opportunity whereby they come to learn more about themselves through developing a strong connection with people in an international environment.

It is expected that all exchange students will want to make a positive impression and contribute in some meaningful ways to their host school. Thus, all students involved in an exchange are expected to do their best academically and to respect the traditions, routines, and structures of their host school.

To assist with your transition to Pembroke School please complete the below form by Friday 3 November 2023.

Student Details

Please provide phonetic spelling if you feel this would be helpful in ensuring the correct pronunciation of your child's name.

Date of Birth

Admissions Details


Does the student speak a language other than English?  

Parents / Guardians

Parent / Guardian 1

Please include prefixes, e.g. +56 for Chile
Postal address same as above?  

Parent / Guardian 2

Please include prefixes, e.g. +56 for Chile
Postal address same as above?

Medical Details

To assist Pembroke School to care adequately for the academic, social, physical and emotional welfare of your child, please answer the following:

Does your child have any diagnosed medical, physical or psychological conditions?  
Please note the maximum file size allowed is 10MB.
Does your child have any diagnosed learning or academic support needs?  
Please note the maximum file size allowed is 10MB.


Please note the maximum file size allowed is 10MB.
Please note the maximum file size allowed is 10MB.

Thank you for your interest in the exchange program and best of luck.

For more information on Pembroke School please visit or contact the Middle School Office.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Kia Sheidow
Head of Middle School