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The International Baccalaureate’s (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a curriculum framework that is used in over 1700 schools around the world.

Learning in the PYP is underpinned by intentionally planned, inquiry-based learning experiences that engage children in critical and creative thinking.

At Pembroke students from Years 1-6 explore six different units of inquiry each year while in the ELC and Reception, they explore four. Every unit of inquiry is organised under a transdisciplinary theme. They are described as transdisciplinary because they bridge the boundaries of traditional subject disciplines which are more developmentally appropriate for Middle and Senior school students. The transdisciplinary themes are:

  • Who We Are
  • Where We Are in Place and Time
  • How We Organise Ourselves
  • Sharing the Planet
  • How the World Works
  • How We Express Ourselves

Each transdisciplinary theme has a central idea, lines of inquiry and focus concepts, questions and attitudes. The knowledge and skills articulated in the Australian Curriculum are mapped across the units of inquiry and exposed in a meaningful context. Pembroke not only views knowledge and skills as important elements of learning. It also aims to provide students with the time to think and develop conceptual understandings and attitudes that inspire them to act on their learning.

We seek to challenge and engage every child in every learning experience. Skills and understandings in Literacy and Numeracy, we believe, enable students to make connections and conduct meaningful inquiries. Therefore, it is our role to ensure the fundamental skills and understandings in Literacy and Numeracy are prioritised for every child.